Bad Reviews on Roblox on Official Game

Roblox is a game that will give you a real-life experience in a virtual way. You can create a friend circle and be with anyone you want. This is similar to real life where we interact with people, create friends, hang with them, and enjoy life. The concept is pretty much the same in the Roblox game as well. With saying this, in today’s, post we are going through the bad reviews on Roblox. Of course, you should not judge the game based on these reviews but our aim in this post is only to highlight the negative feedback received by the players on their official website.

You can download the official Roblox game for the Android phone from the Google Play Store. We will also provide the link for the official downloading of the game as well. In this post, we will collect only the negative reviews from the people as we will analyze them to see whether they are real or people just couldn’t use the app and put some negative comments.

General Features of the Roblox Game

Before jumping into the review section, let us first highlight some of the great achievements of the game. The Roblox game was introduced on September 1, 2006, by the Roblox Corporations. Soon after its release, the game had achieved remarkable achievements. Excluding other platforms like iOS, MAC, google, etc we will only focus on the Android version of the game which is available in the Play Store. Till today, it has been downloaded by more than 500 Million people.

At the same time, it has received ratings from more than 37 million people and the average rating of the game is 4.4 on the Play Store which is not a bad rating at all. The size of the game is 137 MB which is not too huge when compared to similar apps.

Overall rating of the Roblox

As we mentioned the overall rating of the Roblox game is very high. It has received ratings from more than 37 million people and the average rating on the Playstore is 4.5. See the image below which has been taken from the PlayStore.

Roblox game reviews

In this article, our main goal is to highlight the reviews and ratings below 2. This will help us to understand the bad reviews on Roblox game in detail.

Bad Reviews on Roblox Game

Starting from the very recent negative feedback from the people which will help us to understand whether the updated and new versions of the Roblox game are good or not. Also, it is fair to discuss the recent negative feedback as feedback from 2006 is not gonna help us anymore in 2024.

Here is the most recent negative feedback from the user who has ratted this app 2 out of 5 and posted the following feedback:

This game used to be so good back in 2013, but with all the changes it’s slowly getting worse. The customization is super laggy. If I put an accoesry on, it won’t load, and then I have to reopen the app to fix it. I have to do that with every single item I want to put on. And along with that, if I want to change to one of the outfits I saved, it doesnt change the skin. I have to repeatedly change until it works again. I also hate how when you go to open customize, it brings you to the shop first

From his point of view, all the updates have been negatively affecting the overall performance of the game and he does not enjoy the game as he used to back in 2013. Well, we can say, this feedback is more or less like a personal choice because there might be people in 2024 who like all the updates and who hate the old version of the game back in 2013. So, let us move to the next feedback.

This dude has given 1 rating out of 5 which is the lowest possible rating to the Roblox game in the PlayStore. Let us see his point of view on the game as well.

Dear Roblox staff, I do not need to click 3 buttons to try on an item and view it on my avatar at the same time. There’s no reason for it to no longer be an automatic viewing, let’s stop implementing features that nobody asked for. I’ve been playing since 2012 and I’ve gotta say: The new catalog update is extremely over engineered and the UI looks like it predates 2018. On the same note, the UI for the in-game settings menu is also horrific and an assault on the eyes. A complete downgrade.

Hmmmm, well what are your thoughts on his feedback? Do you think the 3 button option is useless on the updated version of the game? If I were the person who is managing the Roblox game, I would look at this feedback and review the game one more time. Such constructive feedback is always welcome as it helps to improve the game and experience. And more importantly, around 8,745 people had found this feedback very useful on the PlayStore.

Here is another most recent review from one of players.

I used to like it and would play it often. Recently I got caught up in other things so I wasn’t able to play it for some time. Now that I try to play it won’t load anything besides the home screen. I tried clearing cache and force stopping the app, but all that did was make it worse. Now it says there was a connection error. I’ve had that error for 5 days now. FIX IT! Would not recommend if you have large breaks in between playing it. This is on mobile.

Well, this might be a personal mobile issue as well but might also be the problem with the app. But for me to be honest, it seems to be a personal mobile issue.

Well, these were the top three and most recent bad reviews on Roblox game which we found on the PlayStore.


In a nutshell, we will say that the game is highly appreciated by many players. When we had to find negative review on the Play Store, we had to scroll down to find bad reviews. This shows people liked this game a lot and you will find very less negative comments about the game. Saying that we will highly appreciate your honest feedback about the game as well. Feel free to post in the comment section so that people can read what you thought about the game.

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